Bug Tracker tool integrations
Integrate Givefeedback.io with Asana and Notion, but we are adding new integrations every day.

Bug Tracker tool integrations Connecting your Project Management Platforms
Completing your daily tasks is a constant chore, so why not connect GiveFeedback.io and have all your testing feedback delivered directly into your Asana & Notion projects.
With GiveFeedback.io each submission has an annotated screengrab together with all browser and page information automatically pulled and entered into the feedback task. Giving you a more informative task to follow up on the request. Below are some Bug Tracker tool integrations
GiveFeedback.io Connects to Asana
Connect and select your Asana project to enable clients/testers to submit detailed testing feedback.
Asana tasks are automatically generated once the Bug Tracker tool integrations are complete Environmental information surrounding the bug is captured and placed in the task along with annotated screengrabs.
GiveFeedback.io integrates with Notion
Connect and select your Notion project to enable clients/testers to submit detailed testing feedback.
Notion tasks are automatically generated. Environmental information surrounding the bug are captured and placed in the task along with annotated screengrabs.
GiveFeedback.io working solo
When you setup a givefeedback project All tasks are automatically created and visible in your dashboard. All tasks have: Annotated screengrabs, and Environmental information surrounding the feedback.
No more copying & pasting tasks, Tasks are now ready for you to review and action.
Adding More Every Day
Our team are working to make givefeedback.io available to as many industry platforms as possible, Vote for your platform, to make it happen.
" No more repetitive data entry, With GiveFeedback.io all my testers can visually reference and submit tweaks direct to my project management tool ready for me to review "
– John –